
Monday 12 October 2009

Welcome to the year 6 weather project

Welcome to the year 6 weather project
We will be taking pictures everyday up until christmas of the weather outside our window.
We will also be measuring the weather using barometers, wind vanes and a rain gauge.
We hope to link with schools in Paris, France and in Devon, England so that we can see if we have different weather.
Please leave us some comments


Stephanie said...

nice image i like learning about different types of weather and how the climates change

Mrs Obanye said...

I think it will be really good to see what the different schools around the world will send us. :)

Mr McTaggart said...

This looks like a great project. Let me know if you need any help with it. I'll help you to keep in touch with the other schools around the world too. Well done Year 6 - our first Year Group Blog!

princess mary said...

I think it will be good to see what people around the world think of this area and send us back and then they might like to visit London

letitia said...

this a very good project because people around the world can see our weather in england.

Emily said...

this is very useful cause it tells u if thunderstorms,hurricans,earthquakes.